Get involved...

Time, Talents & Treasures

There are many ways to support and serve here at Holy Cross. Find one that fits you, and join in, building relationships and having fun in the process!

Not sure how you can best serve, but are interested in helping out or volunteering in some way? “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

The Cheerful Giver

Since 1848, Holy Cross has been carrying out the mission and serving the community.

Today, we continue to expand our outreach with renewed hope and vision.

Together, we can help those that we reach, to discover the good news of the Gospel and learn that Jesus loves you. (John 3:16) And develop future leaders and disciples to go and teach all nations. (Matthew 28:19)

Your gifts help us:
  • Provide a Christian education
  • Reach those that are under served in the community
  • Help each other to advance spiritually
  • Bring new technology into the classroom
Corporate Matching

You can double your donations with corporate matching.

Opportunities to Invest (Planned Gifts)

You may also consider planned gifts, such as estate gifts and endowments, which provide lasting support for the mission at Holy Cross.

Donor Events 

The annual dinner auction is the largest fundraiser of the year. Special funds are often raised to support priorities highlighted by a Brave Need.


Other popular fundraisers include SCRIP which make it easy for everyone to contribute.

Donor Spotlight

Holy Cross would like to thank those that give and whose financial support helps Holy Cross make a difference.

Holy Cross would like to thank the countless number of volunteers that tirelessly support and cheerfully serve here at Holy Cross to make a difference.

